Welcome to Yorkshire and Humber ADASS

leaders in social care

The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) in Yorkshire and Humber works to promote higher standards of social care services, influence policy & decision-makers and transform the lives of people needing & providing care.

We do this so that anyone needing care & support can live the lives they want regardless of age, disability, status and social background.

β€œThe Association of Directors of Adult Social Services in Yorkshire and Humber works for the benefit of individuals, families and communities. Our work with partners is to plan, provide and develop innovative, sustainable and effective social care services for people who need it now and will in the years to come. Our priorities are on improving consistency and quality so that no matter where someone lives in the region, they can access the information, advice and care support that is needed. We work with people across the sector, by providing forums for professional networks that where we can jointly identify, promote, and undertake development and improvement work.”


Latest Resources

Regional Account 2023-2024

The annual account tells the story of the past year for the Yorkshire & Humber branch and the work we have achieved through our sector-led improvement programme.

Age Well Live Well Y&H Regional Network Event . July 2023

Presentations on:

  • Improving our homes,
  • Healthy Housing Initiative,
  • West Yorkshire Dementia-ready Housing Task Force,
  • Homes and healthy ageing principles,

Our Networks

A key part of our improvement approach is collaboration and innovation through regional networks of social care professionals.

Please see the network page for the full list of networks.

Principal Social Workers

Leading on the development of excellent social work and social work professionals in our region.

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Healthcare worker showing her badge at the front door of a senior womans home.

Use of Resources

Promoting informed self-assessment and improvement so that the resources available to Adult Social Care Services are used efficiently and effectively.

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African Professional Chartered Accountant Woman


Increasing the numbers of carers reached and supported, improving the quality of information, advice and signposting.

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Mother kissing her son with special needs

Standards and Performance

Facilitating continuous regional improvement through evidence-based information monitoring, analysis and development.

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A group of seniors smiling together while in a retirement home

Upcoming Events


Branch Meeting