A new long-term vision for delivering adult social care in England
Engagement web page on the new social care reforms.
DHSC Policy paper - People at the Heart of Care: adult social care reform
The strength based approach in Leeds
The Age Well Live Well Regional Network heard from Leeds in November 2021 about their journey to arrive at their strength based approach and the Network heard how it specifically links to frailty.
NHSX: What Good Looks Like
Drawing on local learning, it builds on established good practice to provide clear guidance for health and care leaders to digitise, connect and transform services safely and securely.
Prevention Network, strength based practice, showcase presentation by Leeds City Council
A presentation from Leeds City Council showcasing their strength based practice
Prevention Network - strength based practice- showcase session by City of York Council
Slides from the Prevention Network session on strength based practice presented by City of York Council.
Carer Quality Markers - a brief read
Find out more about the work we did on Carer Quality Markers by reading this short summary document
LGA COVID-19 Adult Safeguarding Insight Project - Second Report (July 2021)
Developed to create a national picture regarding safeguarding adults’ activity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Carer Quality Markers report July 2021
A report that provides a baseline for adult social care support for unpaid carers across Yorkshire and Humber region and sets a strategic direction for future work in the region to improve support for unpaid carers.
The national strategy for autistic children, young people and adults: 2021 to 2026
Skills for Care: Vision for a future workforce strategy
A Skills for Care publication outlining the vision for a future workforce strategy to social care leaders.
NHSX: Accredited supplier list of digital social care records